
Friday, October 24, 2008

3 Ways to Earn Quick Cash With Your Computer

Are you in a tight pinch for money and need to come up with some ways to earn quick cash to pay off some bills, get a birthday present for your friend, or buy those front row tickets to that concert you've been dying to see? Well, you're not alone. We've all been there. Everyday people are short on funds and have to sacrifice doing something fun or eliminating their debt in exchange for life's necessities. Well, what if there was a way to earn quick cash so that you could go to your favorite concert, or buy that birthday gift for your friend, or pay off that credit card bill. Luckily, there is a way...actually I have 3 good ways that I am going to share with you now that only require a computer and an internet connection. Let's get started.

Method #1:

So you think you're opinion matters? Absolutely! You are a consumer, and that makes you extremely valuable. Businesses in America rely on consumer research to make over 75% of their marketing strategy decisions. This means that they are listening to us, the general public. So just how do they get the precious info they need? By surveying the masses. This means a big opportunity for you, because these companies will pay you real money to simply answer some questions, or in some cases, try out and review actual products that you get to keep! So, the first way to earn quick cash is by cashing in on your consumer expertise by taking online surveys.

Method #2:

Think you're the expert on something? Good, now take that knowledge and turn it into cash! Large information-based websites will pay top dollar for fresh, unique content or how-to articles. You can use your in-depth knowledge of a particular field to write up short articles and submit them to these websites. The owners of these sites are so hard up for fresh content, that you can make a pretty penny by just writing short, informative pieces about your hobby or career. Who would have thought you could earn quick cash from typing a few words on a page!

Method #3:

Sell other people's products. Sound complicated? Actually it's very simple. If you have basic knowledge of the Internet, you can start selling other people's products online today by becoming an Affiliate Marketer. As an Affiliate Marketer, your job is to bring prospective buyers to a company's website by posting a special HTML link on blogs, websites and other places online. When someone clicks your link and buys the company's product, you get a percentage of the sale! Simple enough, right? In most cases, your commission is as much 50% or more of the product's purchase price. So now you can see how you can quickly make a ton of extra green from this employing method.

You have just learned 3 different ways to earn quick cash simply by using your home computer. Hot dang! Now, of these 3 options, I'd have to say the one with the highest income potential is definitely Option #3 (being an Affiliate Marketer). You can literally make thousands of dollars per month doing this alone.

How Can You Get Started?

Right now, there are many people earning full-time incomes online from Affiliate Marketing. This could be you. Those doing the best are those who are most educated about current trends and the tools available to them. Once you learn the basics, there is absolutely no limit to the amount of money you can make with Affiliate Marketing online.
If you would like to get out of your daily rut and start earning some extra cash, you can start by learning more about Affiliate Marketing at my site:

Article Source:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Make Easy Money Online Right Now!

You shouldn't be afraid to dive in and make easy money online right now because in a few short years, this opportunity may not be quite as available or plentiful as it is right now. Allow me to explain.

Thousands of people are making loads of money on the Internet because they've cast their fears aside, and they've simply done it! The greatest news is; there is no start-up cost! Google has made it simple enough to the point where they offer free blogs and free blog hosting, and this has given anyone with access to a computer a chance at making easy money online!

So, how does this work, and what are the requirements?

Well, I'm glad you asked!

When you place Google AdSense ads your blog that other website owners have paid for and people click on them, Google makes money, the website owners stand a great chance to turn a profit, and you also make easy money. It's simply good business!

A person can start with just one free "Blogger" blog that's very easy to create and launch. There are tons of free article marketing guides on the web which are yours for the taking. One great blueprint I've used with success is The Power Of Article Marketing by Tim Gorman. All you have to do is read Tim Gorman's guide then visit and find 1 good video each on "how to create a blogger blog," "how to create an AdSense account," "how to find profitable keywords," and "how to place AdSense ads on a blogger blog," and you're set!

The only people who don't make easy money online are those who haven't tried, those who have given up, and those who haven't bothered to follow the many free, easy guides to article marketing on the web. Folks, this is virtually foolproof, if you really give it a shot!

Do you realize the only reason you're missing out on tons of internet cash is merely because you haven't tried? Find out how easy it is for free! click here!

Article Source:!&id=1590779

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How to Make $1,000's Weekly with a Health Internet Business of Your very Own

Click here to go to Health Biz In A Box

Wise Online Entrepreneurs know that the best selling products online are health products and health-related ebooks, books, tapes, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

Now World famous Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has just released her latest "shocker!" that makes it possible for just about anyone to profit from this fact.

She's making it possible for someone to get a fully-operational online "store" that specializes in "health-related" goods and services.

Literally now anyone can get a complete Internet "health" business in a box!

This complete website has a main product as well as up to 90 separate products that all center around breakthrough health products. And where YOU can earn some really HUGE CASH!

It seems that Dr. Suzanne has really done her homework (especially for YOUR benefit!)

First she correctly determined that according to Forrester Research (which is perhaps the most powerful & accurate online research database to date!) "health-related" products and information is by far the most sought after things anywhere online.

Nope! -- Despite what you might have thought, "sex," "porn," and "UFOs" are NOT the most searched for items on the Internet (but "health stuff" is hands down!)

Second, Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" shook the entire World with its release recently - and she's even made a special lead-capture page that you also get central to this amazing site!

Why is this important?

Simple: because Dr. Suzanne's affiliates are making millions right now with what is perhaps one of ClickBank's HOTTEST products (and this same product is the central seller at your new health e-Biz site!)

Third, the site you get also acts as a "database" that never stops growing so that you get 10,000's of customers you can continue to sell to over and over again other things!

Why is this important?

Again, very simple: anyone who's wise online knows that "backend" sales are chief to making long term and extra profits!

Dr. Suzanne's NEW "Health Biz In a Box" complete and fully-operational website you get for next to nothing contains an electronic "Automatic Sales Manager" (like a salesman robot - Ha!) built-in that works to upsell to your list over and over again so that you enjoy additional "automatic" income!

Fourth, Dr. Suzanne health-biz site also includes a complete health-related products Shopping Mall so that your site visitors stopping by are likely to buy at least 1 to up to 90 additional products creating instantly for you up to over a dozen other income streams!

This way you get the "most bang for your buck" so to speak!

As if all this weren't enough, the fifth (and perhaps the very best) thing about this automatic seller is the tiny spokesmodel "Rachel" that literally walks out onto your Health-Biz site and guides your site visitors (like a tour guide) through your entire site and what it has to offer!

Dr. Suzanne carefully tested the site both WITH and WITHOUT "Rachel" and accurately determined that the addition of "Rachel" boosted sites sales by as much as 396% (meaning nearly 4 times as many sales!)

Dr. Suzanne believes that having the spokesmodel adds credibility as well as an informative approach to the site so that it generates a much higher "conversion-to-sales" ration at large.

And ALL these amazing features stand to make YOU very, very rich as you get all of them with your own "Health Biz In a Box" website!

If any of this floats your boat, then I highly recommend you get over to:


...and because rumor has it that Dr. Suzanne may put a ceiling on the number of these Internet "health-biz" sites she's giving out in order to avoid everyone having one and risking market saturation.

Already people securing theirs have had nothing but great things to say about this:

"I'm so happy with mine! ... Having this site professionally set up by Dr. Suzanne's Team for us was the greatest thing we ever did! ... the site literally is just pouring money into our pockets even while we're doing other things, vacationing, and even crashing out!"

-Cynthia Conrad, Atlanta, Georgia

"I never knew that making money online could be so easy!"

-Richard Bosworth, SLC, Utah

"Health stuff is the real way to make money online easily ... everybody sooner or later has to have it!"

-Carla Dupree, Boise, Idaho

"I'm making about $6,000 a week with mine ... and this after failing on the Net for nearly 10 years trying to sell everything else!"

-Jason Herman, San Dimas, CA

"$500 a day is what this biz is shoving in my pocket! I even went out of town for nearly two weeks and my health biz site completely ran itself!"

-Michael Sorbowski, Mason, Ohio

As you can see by these people's comments, everyone grabbing their own automatic health-products Internet business is raking in the cash! (And now you can too!)

Just grab yours now simply by going to:


I guess I should have added above that not only do you get all the things I've described thus far, but you also get professional customized set up at no extra charge!

That's right! - Dr. Suzanne's own Team of web experts actually build your "Health Biz" for you so you don't have to!


- design your site

- put all the 90 income streams into place

- install the electronic sales manager for you

- add sharp selling graphics

- add powerful videos

- add several other webpages

- and a complete online shopping mall of health products!

All so that you can earn big income online and while you sell product that help people and that you can be very proud to sell.

So all in all this is perhaps one of the BEST instant online ventures worth your time.

Get your now before the ceiling number is reached and maxed out...


Friday, August 15, 2008

Learn How to Make Money Online

Learn How to Make Money Online
By Luca Di Nicola

I'm sure you've all heard of the 80-20 rule. It's a very common rule of thumb and it states that for many events 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. For instance in business 80% of total sales comes from only 20% of the sales force. This I'm sure holds true in the Internet Business world as well.

It's actually quite interesting when you look at the making money online market because the numbers don't lie. Do a Google search for "make money online" and you'll get approx. 38,000,000 returns. Now do a search for "learn to make money online" and you get approx. 8,000,000 hits. It looks like the 80-20 rule of thumb works here as well. A total of 46,000,000 people want to make money on line but only 8,000,000 want to LEARN how to make money online. That's approximately 80-20.

This really illustrates how important it is to learn how to make money online first so you too can join that illusive successful 20%. Take the time to learn and acquire the necessary skills and your business will succeed while the other 80% will jump right in make a little money, loose interest and will soon be out of business.

Invest in a course or do as much research as possible to teach yourself a variety of essential skills needed to get into the 20% success club.

You should not get too excited or focus only on making a quick buck but instead try to really understand, acquire and develop the long term skills that are behind every successful internet marketer's success. Work on getting a thorough working knowledge of Internet Marketing and how to make money online and focus on practical implementation. It's a fact that most people that fail do so by not applying what they've learned.

If you're interested in making money online keep in mind that it does not happen overnight and only those who take the time and invest in education will be in the top 20% earning 80% of the available income. Most of the Internet Marketers have become experts by educating themselves and by applying their new skills.

Your new skills will include knowing how to choose a product or service to market, creating a web site, driving traffic to your web site, creating original content as well as Search Engine Optimization.

Remember that education is the key to success in any endeavour.

Luca Di Nicola invites you to visit the Profit Lance Wealth Course site at Profitlance and Discover an honest Step-By-Step Guide to Making a Fulltime Income Online.

Article Source:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Breakthrough "Magic Code" Makes Your Site Money!

Click here for Top Secret Magic Code

Just Released: A New "Magic Code" that when added to any site you have causes your site (or even any site) to magically start making money.

No joke. This discovery was made by a New York doctor who for the last 10 years used it secretly to do everything from offset his advertising costs, to just adding it to 1,000's of webpages and amass a personal wealth now of nearly $100 million cash!

And now he's decided to allow you and everyone else to share in it (and since he stands nothing more to gain by keeping "you" in the dark about it).

As it turns out, a number of the largest online firms such as Alexa, and even a good number of the top 100 sites ranked on the entire Web are already using this amazing, but very simple secret.

Alexa, for instance, adds this code to a number of their webpages and it allows them to automatically generate an "extra" $90,000 a month in profits - and that for just a single webpage!

If you had 10 such pages that each did likewise, you'd "magically" get $900,000 every 30 days just poured into your pocket!

And most important: You should instantly recognize the fact that since a firm like Alexa (as well as about 34% of the Web's top 100 sites) is using this, then you too should be using it.

But here's what may SHOCK you the absolute very most ...

o It takes you just 45 seconds to add this code to any webpage

o Once added you do NOTHING further - but money just starts
pouring in!

And remember ...

Just in case you think this isn't for real, firms like Alexa and others in the top 100 wouldn't be using it (but they are; so what does that tell you?)

If you are wise and want to make your webpages pay you money automatically simply by adding just a simple string of 1-line code to any webpage, then you had best go here immediately:


Why the need to RUSH? ... Simple:

The guy giving this out is letting just about another 500 to maybe 600 people at best find out about this, and then he's deliberately going to "pull the rug out from underneath" anyone else trying to get it!

I know, I know ... That sounds very cruel and unfair.

But that's his doing; so rather than argue with him it would probably just be a better idea to just go there and grab it so that at least "you" don't get left out in the rain, right?

But fair warning, in case you stumble upon this too late, just don't be shocked to see it's no longer available.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Internet Marketing Tips - Are You Working Too Hard?

Internet Marketing Tips - Are You Working Too Hard?
By Steven Wagenheim

This is not so much about the hours that you put in each day but more about business model. You can put in the same number of hours into one business model as another and make twice as much money. But how is that? Is it because the market is bigger? Or is it because of something else? Well, this article is going to explain why you can put in the same effort into two different business models and make twice as much money from one of them.

Even though there are really many types of business models, essentially the two main models come down to either selling a product or selling an ongoing service. To better illustrate this, let me give you an example of each.

Let's take the product first. I have a business model where I sell ebooks. Now, once I sell an ebook to a prospect, that's it. I can't sell him that ebook again. Once he has it, he has it. So the only way I am going to earn more money from this person is if I have other ebooks to sell him. If not, in order to get more income, I have to get more prospects. This is a simplified model, but I think it illustrates my point.

Now, let's take the ongoing service model. Let's take a company like Aweber. Aweber is a company that provides an autoresponder service. I happen to use the service myself. As a matter of fact, I signed up with Aweber about a year or so ago. Now, every month that I use their service, I have to pay a fee. So look at this model. They make one sale to me and they collect an income from me for months, maybe years.

Do you see where the second model is actually less work? Once you've sold your service on the person, if they find after using it that they can't live without it, they're very likely to continue using it for a very long time. So you're doing the same amount of work but for every sale you make, you're making what is called a residual income.

It's certainly something to consider when trying to decide exactly what it is you want to do with your Internet marketing career.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at

Article Source:

You Only Need to Find One Thing and You Will Be on Your Way to Make Money on the Internet

You Only Need to Find One Thing and You Will Be on Your Way to Make Money on the Internet
By Lily Boynton

The Internet provides opportunities for people to be able to make money online. Many people jump to the opportunities in the hope that they too can profit from the Internet. However, the sad part of the story is that most people who involve in online business never make any money at all. Many tried different projects before finally quit out of exhaustion.

While it is true that there are many ways to make money on the Internet, many people forget that everyone is different. We all have our own strength and circumstances that are different from others. This is the reason why when we follow other people approach to the opportunity, we will find ourselves lost in the process.

Making money online generally comes from three ways: selling your own products or services, selling other people's products or services or the combination of both. Before you get involve to the online opportunity, it is wise to decide which of the path you are going to use. Whether you are able to offer services for others, whether you have any products to offer, or whether you are willing to promote other people products or services. Once you decide the path you choose, you need to write in down as your business plan for further executions.

Having a business plan is very critical in Internet marketing. This is your guidance, your beacon. It will provide you guidance to help you through the process to achieve your goal. Many people make mistake by not having any plan when they enter the online opportunity. It is very easy to miss this crucial part, because they did not think it is necessary. If you are going to treat the online business as a hobby, instead of a business, then a business plan is unnecessary. However, you will definitely need a business plan if you are serious of building a career in Internet marketing,.

Another advantage of having a business plan is also help you find the one thing that you can do very well, and focus on it. Can you write or re-write articles? Are you good at creating Squidoo lens? Do you have any SEO knowledge you can offer? They key is to find the one thing that works the best for you. It is better to focus on the one thing that you are good, instead of jumping from one project to another,. Then, do massive actions to maximize the result. In essence, you are branding yourself with one activity that you can do very well and make yourself an expert.

There are many ways to make money on the Internet, but there is no easy way. There is no free lunch. There is no easy money. You will need to commit yourself to work. You need to harvest what works for you to create a solid business plan, then execute the plan many times to establish a long term, establish income stream.

The 10x Method will guide you to create a solid business plan for your online business. The report use 100% free resources to make money on the Intrenet.

Learn more at:

Article Source:

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Death of JV Giveaways ?

Oh, this is bad news ...
A recognised Giveaway Guru has spoken out about the JV Giveaways - and has written a report about it.

Want to know more ?
I couldn't believe it when I read it -- and it's perhaps the most controversial thing that has happened over the last decade in internet marketing circles.

This is ... OMG ... not happening is it ?

PS. I won't hype this up at all, you've got to read it for yourself.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How Soon Can You Expect to Earn an Income Online?

How Soon Can You Expect to Earn an Income Online?
By Matt Helphrey

Don't be fooled or buy into the myth that it is easy to earn an income online. The truth is that it takes great effort and concentrated research to make a living by working online. You must first build a foundation for your business then you can really start to see the earnings.

All of these myths lead people to believe that it should be easy to make a living online. They truly believe that they can earn large returns for very little or no effort at all. The reality is that you have to invest a lot of time and a great deal of energy and effort to earn an income online.

If it is so easy to get rich quick with the internet, why doesn't everyone do it? Well, a lot of people do and fail because they find they have to work hard to make a large income. Just promoting your home based business alone will require a good deal of time and the fact that there is so much competition will require you to be working constantly.

If you desire to become rich and work from the comfort of your own home, do so by starting your own website. It is very possible to get rich using the internet with your own website but you must put yourself in the right mindset to do so. Realize that it may take years to build your business to the point where you can quit your day job and make a living earning an income using the internet. It takes time to build all the web pages and get the required number of back links to succeed. Make the long term commitment to succeed and never give up.

There are ways to earn an income online right away. You can enroll in affiliate programs who offer commissions for the sales of their products or referrals you bring them. Promoting these programs gives you the opportunity to make some sales right away.

You can also earn income online immediately by taking surveys, answering emails, and completing offers. There are a few survey companies that will pay you just to sign up! This is easy method to earn income online but it will not provide you with the ends you need to make a comfortable living.

Whatever you do, do not get caught up in the hype of being able to get rich quick using the internet. Treat your home based business like a real business. One that will take time and effort to build. The internet provides us with a phenomenal opportunity to earn income online. Work at your business every day and make the commitment to succeed. You will soon be climbing the ladder of success and internet riches. I'll see you on top!

Matt Helphrey invites you to his website where he has compiled many Earn Income Online opportunities that anyone can use. Sign up for free internet income training as well.

Article Source:

Monday, June 30, 2008

Advanced Tips to Make More Money With Online Business

Advanced Tips to Make More Money With Online Business
By Raymond Nesa

You can make more money with online business. So many online businesses are available today for you.

Make Money Online by Blogging
Blogging can get you more profit online. You can get money by blogging in different way. You can get more people through your popular blog to your website, you can blog for other companies, you can review products for other companies’ products for a fee, and you can add affiliate links to earn money. You can earn unlimited by popularizing your blog and making it a online business.

Make Money with Online Auctions
Online auction is a online business for you. Sell products at online auction sites to earn a profit. Buy an item at low price, sell it at a high price to earn the difference a profit. eBay is a very good example of online auction.

Make Money with Paid Surveys
Many websites and organization pay money for taking part in surveys. Online surveys can get you money in few minutes.

Make Money with Affiliate Programs
Get affiliate links in your website and earn more money online. Online affiliate programs will get you money as commission. You can opt for so many affiliate programs. Choose one that is related to your products and services. You can create a good online business using affiliate programs.

Make Money with ebooks
Write ebooks about different topics and sell them to the people who need it. Publish your ebooks online. All these will get you more money.

Make Money with Web Sites
Make your own website and earn more money. Make money with freelance web designer. A single website can get you money in different ways. You can opt for affiliate marketing using your website, you can sell ad space, you can make more links, you can advertise your products in the website, and you can get your website listed in the search engines and get more traffic to your site, thus making your website a online business place.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic ‘Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Source:

Sell Your Product Online

Sell Your Product Online
By Marsh Uele

In today's business world, if you're not selling your product online, you're losing sales. If you have a product, make money online by selling online. There are simple ways to make money online.

Make sure your site is professional and easily navigable if you want to make money online. If you have a lot of product, a search feature is a necessity in order for you to make money online. If you have only one or two products, you can use a payment method such as PayPal to make money online. However, if you showcase more product in order to make money online, you'll want to open a merchant account to handle credit card payments. Some merchant accounts will also offer free features, all helping you to make money online. To keep from violating credit card rules, make sure that for Internet sales, you have an Internet account.

Consider paying affiliates to help you make money online. Affiliates are online "word of mouth" referrals and can increase the amount of money you make online. They link to your site from theirs, and all of their traffic becomes your traffic, increasing the likelihood of making money online. When it comes to making money online, affiliate marketing is a no-lose for the merchant, because commission is paid only on sales.

Consider making money online by selling your product through an eBay storefront. Bidding on items has become a hot way to make money online. Having your own storefront ensures that buyers can find you easily because your product is in one place. Through your storefront, you can make reports, track traffic and sales, and receive advertising through eBay. You can try a storefront for 30 days free, making it an attractive offer to make money online.

Copyright 2005 Marsh Uele

I use a simple system to
make money online. You can visit to learn more about our money making secrets and ideas.

Article Source:

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Make Money, Easy on the Internet

Make Money, Easy on the Internet
By Christopher Kyalo

So you have failed so many times online that you no longer believe that it is easy to make money on the web? The good news is that you've got lots of company. The bad news is that most folks have read so much hype on the net that they no longer know what to believe and what not to believe. This is bad news because if you fall into this latter category, it will be very difficult to get you on the easy road to make money on the Internet.

Actually getting to make money on the web is so easy that those who finally get to do it using the strategy you are about to read kick themselves and wonder why they never figured it out for themselves before.

The easy way to make money on the Internet is to launch a free blog, make it as interesting as possible, use high traffic keywords to build traffic and then sprinkle links to relevant affiliate programs all over your content. While you are at it, make sure that you post Google Adsense ads at your blogs as one of the affiliate programs you will use to make easy money on the Internet.

It is as easy as that. The rest are the details, which you can pick up as you go along. You can even greatly speed up the learning process by ensuring that you read everything that you can get your hands on online, that addresses this specific subject.

That is the easy way to make money online that so many home business owners are already using.

Learn more about this make money strategy from a blogger who is using it to rake in thousands of dollars... and growing. Or subscribe to his email newsletter with plenty of case studies that will help you maximize on your affiliate earnings. To get it free send a blank email NOW.

Article Source:,-Easy-on-the-Internet&id=176094

Google Adsense Preview Tool - How To Quickly Familarise Yourself With It & Quickly Profit From It

Google Adsense Preview Tool - How To Quickly Familarise Yourself With It & Quickly Profit From It
By Ingrid Hastings

Google has created a Google Adsense preview tool to help Adsense publishers to preview their ads. This article will discuss how to quickly familiarise yourself with it and profit from it. Keep reading to get access to an exclusive bonus.

The Google Adsense preview tool has been created by Google to allow Adsense publishers to preview their Google Adsense ads, allowing publishers to make a decision about whether to add Adsense to their existing pages.

The Google Adsense preview tool also allows publishers to view a sample of different ad colours and formats which allows publishers to see exactly how their colours and fonts will appear before they actually publish their website pages.

The Google Adsense preview tool also allows publishers to view backgrounds, text colours and borders. By simply clicking "preview" you can easily see how your Google Adsense pages will be displayed on your web pages.

The Google Adsense preview tool also allows you to see geographically targed ads. This means as an example you can see what ads are applicable in Australia, even if you live in Canada.

The Google Adsense preview tool is very easy to install and is also available in all active Adsense languages. To get detailed instructions on how to install the Google Adsense preview tool go to the Google Adsense support site and follow the instructions. You will be a genius at using the preview tool in no time at all and profiting from it.

Adsense is a great way to create passive income from all your websites. To get access to the best Adsense software tool available plus access to a bonus package valued at $1874.00 check out the website below now.

Copyright 2007. Wait! Don't download Keyword Elite unless it's from the website below. Download Keyword Elite for your online business at and download Keyword Elite bonus videos and exclusive Keyword Elite download bonuses (valued at over $1800.00) at my special Keyword Elite bonus page.

Article Source:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Internet Marketing - Advice From a Newbie

Internet Marketing - Advice From a Newbie
By Karla Rabien

As a Newbie who has attempted to "become rich through Internet Marketing", I have read countless articles of people extolling their "Success" at earning an income on the Internet. The stories have a common thread - "My formula works and now I'm ready to share my SECRET with you".

Internet Marketing sounded like it would be the solution to alleviate my financial stress. Since I was desperate to earn money and had minimal resources to invest in the venture, I spent hours and hours and hours and hours... scouring the Internet for a system that might be feasible. Being leery of scams, I read all the articles, wearing "critical" glasses on my nose and my mind alert to the old saying "Good thing no cheap, Cheap thing no good".

Some of the sites sounded promising and I was "lured" into investing my few remaining dollars into their system. Those that turned out to be Multi-Level Marketing schemes admitted, once I personally contacted them, that you really do not earn substantial dollars from the product sales, but only by signing up new members. Others who had blazing headlines like "Earn $10,000+ in the first Month - no experience required" never really told you how to actually get started or how/what/why you should perform certain steps. The list goes on and on and on!

Needless to say, I have learned a hard-earned lesson. Like winning the Lottery, with Internet Marketing, some people can get rich quickly but the majority of us keep buying Lottery tickets, hoping for "Lucky Lady" to finally step forward!
Taking a different approach, I realized that to do anything with Internet Marketing, there was knowledge and skills I needed in order to do anything financially rewarding.

Mistake #1: First, I thought I knew what people wanted - WRONG!!! It is only by learning on how to research the Internet to see what the "wants" and "needs" are that you can determine the product that will be effective. Let the Internet drive the product selection, not you and your personal knowledge.
Mistake #2: Second, I thought by putting my page on the Web, people would gravitate there because of the words in the context - WRONG!!!! There is a multitude of methods for getting the "traffic" to your site. A site by itself in this vast ocean of the Internet is like a piece of plankton; unseen until a consumer haphazardly "swims" into its sphere of existence. Even attempting to sell my old homestead of 160 acres in the Rocky Mountains had no buyers, not even tentative inquiries.

Mistake #3: Third, I thought I would try the E-Bay route and sell from manufacturers/distributors using the drop-ship method - WRONG!!! I had not learned how to do any "Marketing" on the Internet. Marketing skills have to be acquired. This also applies to any Affiliate program. Without Marketing skills, you're dead in the water.

To summarize, there is typically no "get rich quick" method. What is required is learning the skill set on how Internet Marketing really works and how to harness its potential. There is no doubt that there are millions of people constantly searching the Internet. The requirement is for you to get them to your site and entice them to convert that search into actually purchasing.

In my opinion, you need real skills to get anywhere and this site would be my choice
for internet marketing, because it teaches the how/what/why and gives you lasting skills. I was getting nowhere fast until I ran into Mike's site. Find out more about it here
At this site, you'll also learn about some deadly scam products to stay away from.

For what it's worth - The Knowledgable Newbie

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

How You Can Make Money On The Internet By Spending Little Time On Your Internet Business

People have so much on their plate when it comes to the activities of life, and in many ways it is difficult to find time to do things that they truly enjoy. With the formation of your own Internet business, people can spend so much time on making sure that they are making enough money on the Internet that they fail to have enough time to do anything else. The most effective web site owners know how to spend their time wisely and consolidate the various tasks that they must do in order to remain financially successful.

Running your own Internet business can be a great advantage for business owners who are competing with other companies who have not yet tapped into the advanced technologies of the Internet. The disadvantage of this, however, is that you have another thing that demands a great deal of your time and efforts. Experts have come up with ways to spend as little time as possible on their Internet business and still make a great amount of money from the online world.

One of the best ways for you to make money from your online business is by increasing the amount of Internet traffic that flows to your site. As the number of visitors to your site increases, the more popular and reputable it will ultimately become and also much more competitive with other online companies. This growth will determine how much money your Internet business makes on a constant basis.

Aim Your Links

A great way for you to spend as little time as possible on your Internet business and still be successful is to aim your published links toward one of your most visited sites. Usually you will have one post or article that is gaining more popularity than all the others, so you should use this as your anchor site and the recipient of all your traffic low. If you aim the links on all your other posts and articles to this one popular post, then you will be able to save a lot of time and still generate a large amount of Internet money.

Connect With Visitors

If you want your site to become very reputable to a large Internet audience, then you must develop and maintain a strong online relationship with all of your visitors. This objective could take up a lot of your time if you do so with ineffective methods, but you can be successful in this regard by encouraging your visitors to become your friends on sites such as Facebook and Myspace. These types of invitation will help your visitors to feel welcome and important when they come to your web site and will ultimately increase the popularity of it in a short amount of time.

The Best For Last

Make sure that you save your best articles for the most effective days of the week. If you publish your best articles at the right times, then you will save a lot of time and money.

Court provides information about how to make money on the internet through his website on Internet Marketing.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ways To Make Money Online

I wanted to know if there were ways to make money online, and good money.

For years, it was in my mind that there were ways to make money online, as I had read so many claims that there were easy ways to make money online.

So I set out to search for ways to make money online, as I am sure many of you have.

I came across many individuals claiming they could provide me with ways to make money online, ways to change my life and double my wealth, within a small space of time.

Was this really possible? Were there ways to make money online? Here is exactly what I found.

I’ll be honest with you, there are ways to make money online, but not all of them are easy and for the beginner. However, there are many aimed directly at the novice computer user. Services that set up a website for you, specifically for making money online.

So there are individuals that provide you with ways to make money online, and its legitimate. I finally found it. You can check This Opportunity which is based on setting a website up for you and helping you get started with ways to make money online. I highly advise this.

I have also made an Internet Money Making Reviews page, I advise checking this out, and comparing the packages I list and compare them with your needs. Good luck with making money online, I did it, so why can't you?

Get Rich Quick Scams? Had enough of them?Home Business Opportunities Reviewed

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Earning Money Online - A Simple Approach

There are many ways of making money online easy which is good because of the vast amount of different interests of the people looking to make a living online with minimal effort. There is still some work involved but overall most of the popular ways to make money online are simple enough for most people to do.

One way to make money using the internet is keeping a weblog, or blogging. This is perfect for most people if they can write and somewhat enjoy it. For the majority of people, writing about their interests and hobbies is fun and effortless.

Some bloggers had an online journal or even just a regular journal before considering monetizing on their thoughts, so they are happy to be getting paid to write about something they wrote about for free most of their lives.

If you are interested in this type of online career some good sites to check out are or Then visit or which are affiliate networks. Such a system maintains the purchases of visitors to the site and pays you a fraction of their profit from the sales.

The joining process for this type of company is free of charge. You would then select an affiliate program to use and start blogging about the subject. Write about your opinion or a review on the subject, add it to your blog site and then visit article sites such as or

The blog will then get crawled and indexed by the three major search engines: Google, MSN and Yahoo relying on the text individuals type into the search engines. As an example, if they are looking for an article about recent developments in the health benefits of chocolate which is what you wrote about in your blog, then your article is likely to be chosen by a search engine to be displayed on the first page.

Where your article is ranked on the page depends on relevance to the search terms and how many related articles have been written about it. Once people read your blog, they may visit your affiliate website and buy products through your link creating an easy sale for you.

Sales does not get an easier than this; you could literally be selling products while you sleep. Obviously the more articles you post on websites the higher the chance someone will visit your affiliate site and purchase products.

If you are not familiar with this concept it may sound complicated to you. However, once you get accustomed to the process you will see that it is a simple system that makes making money online easy. It gets even easier when you have a group of successful 6-figure income earning internet marketers who will plug you into a proven system and coach you every step of the way.

For more ways to make money on the internet and plug into the simple duplicatable system that others have used to create multiple 6-figure incomes on the internet, visit Don's Xocai website.

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Make Money Online - Step by step instructions

There are a lot of ways to make money online, and I will not be covering all of them in this article. This article will concentrate on informational web sites. I like informational websites as a vehicle for making money online for several reasons. They require almost no work once they are created; you turn them loose on the internet and deposit the checks as they arrive. They require very little website design expertise, and no programming to speak of, and don't really need much in the way of graphics, so the sites are easy for me to build myself. Since I am simply providing information about a particular subject, I don't need to interact at all with my visitors. I don't need to provide the visitors with an email address or any way to reach me...a real blessing in my opinion.

I get to work at home...which means no commute and I hardly ever have to fill the tank of my gas guzzling SUV.

Your first task is to find a suitable subject. It is easiest to create a site about a subject that you are familiar with and enjoy. If you are lucky you fit into that category. However, most of you will probably need to do a lot of research to find out what to use as your subject. A good approach is to use one of the keyword research tools that are available online.

The keyword research tool can be used to find out what words and word phrases people are really searching for. If you choose a subject that nobody searches for then you are wasting your time. The keyword research tools provide you with everything you need to determine what to use for your web site's topic. If you don't make use of wordtracker or one of the other keyword tools you are probably wasting your time.

Get a domain. The domain name you choose isn't really a major factor in getting traffic, and unless you expect lots of repeat visitors you don't need a catchy name either. If you can find a nice short name that includes a key word or two then by all means use it. Don't pay more than $15.00 a year for a domain name...there are lots of places to get them for much less.

Learn some basic HTML. There are plenty of tutorials out there...learn enough HTML so you can find your way around the code on your pages. Get a good web site editor such as Front Page or Dreamweaver. Even with the good editor, it will be a blessing to know some HTML.

Build your website. It's at this point where you need to begin thinking about search engine optimization. Let's use some common sense. The goal of the search engines is to provide a human being the best information available relating to the key words provided by that human. Search engines can examine your page, and links to your page from other sites, and links to other sites from your page. They can also examine some behaviors of the searchers as they interact with the search engine. For instance, the engine can see if a searcher lands on your page and after landing immediately jump back to the search results page to try another site. That is called a bounce, and if everybody who lands on your site after only a second or two then the search engine might get the idea that those keywords aren't a great match for your site.

From examining your page the search engines can find out a lot more than just whether the keywords are on the site. If they see the keywords too many times, then they are likely to penalize the ranking for key word stuffing. If they see lots of miss-spelled words they are likely to penalize. The search engines know that navigation is very important and so are looking at the site navigation for clues about what kind of site they are spidering. They look for how much clutter there is, how many outbound links, ratios of images to words, the location of words in paragraphs and on the page. What elements are above the fold and what is below the fold.

Nobody really knows how the engines determine where to rank a website, but I do know that they are trying to find high quality sites for their results pages. One of the most important things to remember when building your site is to make it high quality. Write it as though your English teacher was going to grade it. Make sure your grammar and spelling are excellent. Organize your material properly and make use of your heading tags. Optimize each page with one or two keyword phrases by using key words in your title tag, meta description tag, and key words tag. First and foremost the title should be relevant to material on the page, and should read naturally to a human.

Search engines read words. They can't see images. An engine will not give you a good ranking if there is no information for it to look at. Give the engines something to eat. Typically I would provide 400 to 500 words minimum and probably about 800 maximum per page.

Keep your navigation simple and obvious. Make it very easy for visitors to find the information they are looking for. The search engines can recognize good navigation schemes, and if you make it easier for your visitors you are less likely to bounce them off your site.

Obtain hosting for your website. Don't use a free hosting service. For $10.00 or less per month you can find a good hosting service that provides you with plenty of memory and bandwidth. Make sure you have FTP capability, and be sure you can get help via email, IM, and Telephone. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing that your site is down, and not being able to get a response from your hosting service. Do your homework before committing to a host.

Sign up for advertising from AdSense or one of the many other advertising agencies and put ads on your site. AdSense is a very good one. Make sure your site is finished, or at least appears "under construction" signs, or AdSense will reject you.

A really excellent way of monetizing your site is by using the new 5 second audio ads. Instead of ads that take up space on your page, and that someone has to click on for you to make money, these ads play once when a visitor lands on you page, and you get paid. No clicking necessary. The ad doesn't take up any room on your page either. The program is free; you just put the code on your page and start receiving money.

After you've built your site and uploaded it to the internet there is still plenty you can and should do. Write some articles and submit them to article directories. This will bring traffic and begin to establish some back links. Trade links with related sites. Stick with sites that have some relevance to yours because the engines are watching. Post in forums, and leave comments on blogs. Use a signature in your email pointing to your site. Do some off-line advertising if possible.

And finally, have patience! It takes time for you to achieve lots of organic search engine traffic. You can figure on at least a year for things to really start rolling. But once it starts it is very nice!

William Lund has been a webmaster since 1998 when he built his first site. He now has over a dozen successful web. For more information about making money online, website monetization, 5 second audio ads and free SEO info please visit: Make Money Online with your Website

Mr. Lund invites you to read his blog: Pondering Everything

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How Anyone Anywhere Can Make Money Online

There are thousands of ways to make money online and earn cash from the comfort of your own home. I like to write articles, others are more artistic and design graphics. And still others create websites or make money by writing computer code. As I said, there are thousands of ways to make money on the Internet.

But what if you don't have any of those skills. Can you still make money online? The answer is simple. Anyone who has access to a computer and can use the internet has everything they need to work online and earn cash. Millions of people around the world are online right now and many of them are making money. Over a million people work online full time and are earning more money than you might think possible. You do not need to be a computer whiz, writer, artist, or have any specialized knowledge to join the millions of people that work online every day.

So how can you make money if you don't have any skills? One of the easiest ways is by doing online surveys. If you can read and click a mouse, you can make money by doing surveys. Surveys are very easy to do, they are normally presented as multiple-choice questions, so all you need to do is click your mouse on one of the boxes. And it does not matter how old you are, your gender, or where you live. Anyone anywhere can make money by doing surveys.

So, how do you get started? Before you begin, you should get a free email account from Yahoo or Gmail. This is important. Never use your primary email address when signing up with a survey program. Then do a search using the term, 'paid surveys.' This will provide you with a list of 50 to 100 companies that will pay you to take surveys.

Read the details on each program before registering. Some of the important factors you should consider are:
their method of payment, the minimum amount required before they send you a check, and if there are any upfront costs (it is usually free).

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my brand new guide on how to make money each and every day.

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